Children's Sports

school «Champion»


what is a «champion»?

Children's sports School «Champion» is an institution of additional education that will allow your child to develop properly physically and mentally and grow up to be a real champion! We will help the child to reveal all his abilities and talents, develop his perseverance, perseverance and hard work.



Physique and weight control

The coaches of our school carefully monitor the physical activity of each child, composing workouts not only for haccumulation of muscle mass, but also burning calories.

Loads for health reasons

Workouts are selected purely based on the physical condition of the child, which avoids the risks associated with incorrect load distribution.

Healthy child = healthy adult

Physically active children usually grow into physically active adults. Sports a great way to prevent many chronic diseases, and playing sports in childhood is a key element in the development and maintenance of good health.

# Important 2


Communication and friendship.

The child's social circle will expand significantly with a trip to our sports school, thereby allowing him to adapt socially much faster, as well as make good and reliable friends.

Learning to lose

Losing is as important as winning, because that's how a child gets the most valuable experience. And our coaches will help the child overcome this difficult experience.

Academic discipline

Any sport has a number of requirements and rules, following which requires discipline and respect for decisions made by more experienced people, which will be be a good basis for productive cooperation in any sport.

Immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the «Champion»



Every coach must take advanced training courses to stay up to date with all the innovations



Our gyms have modern equipment, because the safety of the student is in the first place



Our school actively participates in sports competitions also in the CIS and European countries

From the largest

to the smallest

We deal with children from 3 to 18 years old. And after coming of age, we provide support in the transition to adult sports

Our teachers

Immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the «Champion»

sports sections

Choose what suits your child best

free lectures for partners

Every week in 19:00 we hold lectures for parents of athletes and it's free!
Follow the schedule and make an appointment by phone for a lecture.

Nov, 2024
Online learning — fiction or reality?
Find out how to configure your child for maximum productivity at home, and not in the walls of an educational institution, and why online learning is not evil.
Dec, 2024
earlier development into professional sports – benefits and harms
How much is best to give your child in professional sports? What is worth knowing before deciding on this? What kind of sport should I choose? You will be able to find out the answers to these and other questions at the lectures.

How it works

To enroll in our school, you need to complete only a few not difficult, but important stages
Step 1. Select the section

First of all, you need to define a section for your child. If it's difficult to decide, it doesn't matter! You can call us by phone and our team will help you with the choice

Step 2. Prepare the documents

Before your child starts classes, you need to make sure that it will not harm his health. Complete a full medical examination and bring a health certificate to the first lesson

Step 3. Select materials

The child should come to the first lesson already prepared. Pick up comfortable sportswear and go ahead!

Step 4. Come to class

Have you completed all the previous steps? Congratulations! Fill out the form below, receive an email and come at the time you specified

what do parents of students tell us

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